TERRIBLE NEWS FOR Australia's AVIATORS FROM BOYD MUNRO Fax: 02 9555 9365 www.airsafety.com.au e-mail: bmunro@airsafety.com.au WE WERE AT A WATERSHED ONE MONTH AGO - DESPITE YOUR HELP WE LOST Despite your terrific help, we have lost. Dick Smith has been forced out of the chairmanship of CASA. I believe this is the end of major aviation reform in Australia in my lifetime. It could have been prevented by strong political support from AOPA, but that support was not forthcoming. CASAs Airspace initiative was torpedoed on 9th December 1998 after a long struggle. Unfortunately AOPA ran away on 5th November and gave no further public support, leaving CASA completely isolated, and defeat almost inevitable. Then on February 17th Cheryl Kernot (shadow Transport Minister) made a public statement that Dick Smith had lost the confidence of every sector of aviation. Sadly, AOPA did not ever contradict that. A large number of individual members of AOPA did register their protest, but AOPA never did. Another blow followed on 8th. March, when the Senate disallowed legislation which would have permitted the establishment of community-operated control towers in places like Coffs Harbour and Karratha, thus lowering the cost of flying. This legislation failed because the Democrats voted against it. I immediately rang the Democrats transport spokesman, John Woodley, to ask why he had voted against something which was so much in the interests of Australia. It turned out that he had had representations from various aviation groups, but nothing from AOPA. I asked Bill Hamilton why not and Bill said he was unaware the legislation was before Parliament until after it had been defeated. What on earth is AOPA doing for us if not monitoring and influencing legislation? That completed a trifecta of defeat not just for AOPA but above all for those who pay to fly. The people who fly just because they like to fly, the people who fly because it takes them where they want to go, the people who fly because they like the view of Australia's wonderful landscape from 1000 feet in the air. Dick has been forced out of the Chairmanship of CASA. This is tragic for the future of private aviation in Australia. I fear that it will eventually mean the end of that precious freedom we now enjoy to travel throughout Australia in a private aircraft with our friends and family. We must put some steel back into AOPA's spine. Meetings between AOPA's committee members and the top bureaucrats are all very well, but they will never achieve anything of benefit for AOPAs rank and file. I recommend that you send a fax to Dick on 02 9486 3482 thanking him for the enormous efforts he put in on our behalf. He had no need to do any of this, his generosity to his fellow Australians has been outstanding. I also recommend that you send a fax to John Howard on 02 9251 5454 saying that you regret that his government failed to support Dick in his efforts to carry out the policies of the Howard government, or that it created the environment which led to Dick being forced out, or... words of your own choice. I also request that you forward this fax to your local newspaper or radio station. Yours with great regret, Boyd Munro 22nd March 1999