
Monday 1
Still outstanding from last month and
"absent without leave" is the Archerfield based DC4
Also from February was the
AAC meeting on the "Airport Master Plan" which was held
towards the end of last month and proved very fruitful for all, including the "new" airport
. . . . . . trying to keep the happy balance
between income and expenses has always been a "juggling act" carried out by almost everyone
involved in the aviation scene
To make airport charges fair to all concerned who use it,
will require well above the normal "par excellence" commitment from management and the
consultation process if it has any chance at all of succeeding
The new airport owner now has a real battle
on his hands attempting to correct all the "charging abnormalities" that have crept in under
the many past years of this airfield's gross mismanagement and the insidious "user pays" concept!
As a matter of interest, out of all the
other major transport mediums here in OZ ie, Shipping, Trains, and Public Transport (Buses),
Aviation is the only one required by the Government to "pay it's way"...!!!
Sunday 7
The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association held their quarterly Committee meeting
yesterday at the Royal Queensland Aero Club which
included an "Open Forum" where various members voiced their opinion on a variety of topics
There was a strong message sent to the committee from
the members on the "floor" for AOPA to push a little harder when dealing with the bureaucracy
and politicians to try to achieve a better and quicker result for the benefit of all who fly
AOPA President Bill Hamilton (centre)
in "deep discussion" with Archerfield's owner Gavin Bird
(on right)
An enjoyable Aussie Bar-B-Q was held in the evening
after the meeting with the Aero Club playing host to a congenial group of members and friends

It's ironic that all the commercial
operators on Archerfield now want the support of the "private sector" of aviation after
refusing to assist the private aircraft owner(s) when the FAC commenced occupation of the
'field eleven years ago, forcing a large number of privately owned aircraft (and pilots) to depart
Refer to the April 1997 issue
of the AirCentre News for further details
Monday 15
Just in case you were wondering what went
on beneath the cover attached to the "old" Hawker Pacific maintenance (and later paint) shop
Douglas Aviation now operates this hangar, and are this
week in the throws of repainting a Sunstate/QANTAS Airline owned Short SD3-60
Douglas recently refurbished 3 of Sunstate's
Dash 8 aircraft and when finished these Short aircraft will make 7 "big planes" to come onto
the 'field in recent times to be paint-stripped, repainted and depart again after only 10 working
Refer Jan. '99
for more of the story on the "QANTAS Tales"!
Monday 22
Another quiet week passes at the airfield
Of concern still for the private aircraft owner who has his/her aircraft on the 'field and/or
aircraft "parked" in one of the privately owned hangers, is the "Master Plan" upgrade for
Local newspaper reports along with the new "plan", which is now available for public comment,
mentions the "heritage, noise pollution and industrial redevelopment" being the main focus
of the future
It appears that the "real life" main issue
with the airfields new owner will be "Industrial Development"
This "development" includes the "unused" (as in not rented)
"taxiway" land handy to the main road to be set aside for the "booming" industrial buildings
market appearing on the eastern side of the main road passing the airport (AF is on the west)
This means that a number of the smaller east/west aligned "private" hangers that have
their taxiways adjacent to the north/south main road, are in line for this planned
To be a little more specific, if you happen to be one
of those "lucky" hangar owners, plan to "expire" the building from your balance sheet within
the next two years!
If you have about $30,000.00 to spare,
why not invest it in a private hangar at Archerfield, like so many aircraft owners did in the
past to protect their other "investment", the aircraft!
After all, it is only money and aircraft owners have plenty of that, they must have just to
survive not only with the ongoing (money) battles with the regulators, but now also with the
new "owners" of these previously government owned "public" airports
Friday 26
While Archerfield remains "quiet", the real
world situation "outside" is very different
Earlier in the week, champion fighter for the "Fly for Fun and Pleasure"
pilots and aircraft owners, CASA's chairman, Dick Smith, "retired" from the Board after
encountering strong resistance in trying to reform Australia's airspace
Boyd Munro, another champion for private aviation
and recipient of the "ORDER of the
BLOCK", has released his version of events that occurred
Click HERE to view a OCR'd text view of his broadcast fax
sent to this News Desk
Boyd (on right) presented with the "Block"
July 1996
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