
MAY 1999
Saturday 1
Archerfield in Nose Dive
The decline of Archerfield continues
During the end of last month, the Hawker Pacific maintenance hangar, previously
operated by Air Express who also now longer exist, closed its' doors for the last time
after more than 40 years of operation here on Archerfield, casting, what remained of
the highly skilled workers, onto the already overcrowded job market
And almost
right on queue
is the "Chocolate" airship making its' annual visit to the 'field on Tuesday of last week
That makes it two of the "long time"
companies on the 'field to close their doors in recent times
Refer the Sunland/Southern Skies
article in February of this year
- The Comment is "Told ya so" when businesses
continue to close on this airfield
Check out "quite
airfield" comment back in October 1996
- The "Headwind" now appears to be greater than that of the air(port) speed!
Monday 10
Outstanding Time for C of A's
During the past few weeks, one of the ever
persistent problems for the owners of unique aircraft on the 'field, like "grounded due lack
of paperwork", has finally been resolved
The Hempels
operated AN2 Bi-plane has, at last, received its' Certificate of Airworthiness
Also, the news desk has been informed
that Howard Hughes Lightwing aircraft based at Ballina have also got
their C of A's.
It has only taken the owners of these aircraft about 7 long
years of "negotiating" with the Government agency CASA to achieve this result!
The shakeup in CASA continues, another
aircraft on the airfield, a CAP 32 also obtained a C of A after only waiting 3 years!
The new Aircraft
Categories championed by A.O.P A.
are finally working!
Saturday 15
The 'Bad Old Days' Return
The latest
Budget has hit light plane flying (again). Avgas prices are to rise and it appears
that we are about to return to the 'bad days' of only a few years ago when Government
taxes amounted to more that half the cost of buying a litre of petrol
A Litre of Avgas cost 60 cents at Archerfield
last week, what will it be next month?
Meanwhile, outside of OZ, aviation and aviation
products continue to be developed at a remarkable pace
Just released by the USA's Garmin Company,
known best for their GPS navigation units, is an 'all in one' GPS/Moving-Map Mobile Phone, Fax, Internet
and navigation combination unit for light aircraft
Click HERE to view the
recent Garmin news release in txt format
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The Italian aircraft manufacturer, General
Avia, saw one of its products pay a visit to this airfield last Wednesday
Flown by an Italian couple, this Kiwi registered Avia F.22R was on it's way from
Italy to New Zealand and called in for refreshments and fuel
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