In the USA President-Elect Bush has vowed to make sure that the nation's airport and airway
system remains affordable to the hundreds of thousands of private pilots who use it every year
He stated that he believes that air safety regulation is a federal responsibility and
should be funded out of general revenues ¹
¹ Source:-aero-news.net December 18 '00
In OZ, a CASA survey found that the public want stricter supervision of the major airlines and tough
action against smaller airlines who break safety rules!
The survey also found:- "72 per cent of people believe it is
safer to fly in Australia than in similar overseas countries such as the US and Canada"
This belief couldn't be based on OZe's extremely good weather low aircraft numbers and lack
of real mountainous terrain compared to that of the USA and Canada ..could it
now !
It just can't be that simple ? Maybe it's because of CASA's involvement in
harassing (oops - wrong word) "supervising" the aviation industry !
Note:- If you need proof about lousy flying weather overseas, click
HERE for a 'real life' image of a suburban
house B-B-Q area in Newbern Tennessee received by the News Desk this week !

Here in OZ it is very different from the USA in the way taxes are collected to
administer the aviation industry; it comes from persons who use heavy and light aircraft for transport and not
from the public purse, ..it is the only section within the Federal Department of Transport to do so !
CASA's expensive survey appears to be funded from the aircraft pilots and passengers aviation
"supervision" taxes, but is for the benefit of the general (non-flying) public and not just aviation users - if
this is the case the Survey is either immoral (perceived self-praise) or illegal (misuse of specific aviation-use
funds) or both !
Notes from Dick Smith's Web Page
on the last Federal Government Budget:-
1 None of the $57.78 million tax comes from general taxpayers - it all comes from people who fly
2 None of the tax actively goes to the aviation industry - it is all paid to fund the high
overheads of Airservices and CASA !

The past week has not been good for the light aircraft
industry here in OZ and across the Tasman
On December 15th a Kiwi two-seat S-2A
Pitts Special operated by Biplane Adventures
crashed into a paddock at Wanaka during an aerobatics routine with the loss of all life
The very experienced pilot was a member of the
New Zealand Fighter Pilots Museum and was carrying out an
"Adventure Flight" with an overseas tourist when the accident happened

A day later in OZ, December 16th a 25 year old "would-be"
learner pilot destroyed himself and an aircraft when the stolen Piper PA-28 machine he was trying to pilot
crashed moments after take-off from the NT's Alice Springs airport
The mandatory fitted aircraft emergency locator transmitter led police to the
aircraft's wreckage in scrubland about two kilometres east of the airport soon after
the mishap occurred early Saturday morning
The pilot is reported to have taken an introductory flight lesson at the local
aero club previously ¹
¹ Various News Sources