As from the 23rd March '00
Click HERE for Media Release details

Clicking on the above LLAM banner will also zap you there for more information on the subject
"Operating under the generic radio callsign "FLIGHTWATCH" the AusFIC will be responsible for providing an on-request flight information service to aircraft in all classes of airspace via specific FIS VHF outlets where facilities permit"*

* From the Airservices Web Page
Click image for an enlarged view of the airspace and frequency changes from south of Archerfield to just north of Sydney

News Desk Observation No 1
Here we go again with another change to the system!
The only thing worth mentioning is that AsA will exchange your "old" charts with these new one's at no extra charge!
- But someone has to pay for it ...eventually ....and you do not have to guess who that might be!
In Other News
Latest in Submarines - the U-707 Boat
Here are two images of one of the best-kept secrets of recent times accidentally
"discovered" by this news desk during the past week
This submersible has been "caught" by a camera when it "surfaced" recently to show us - the viewers - a profile of the latest in high technology equipment on the high seas ...or perhaps that should read
'partly under the sea'!
Even heavy aircraft can land short of the runway sometimes!

News Desk Observation No 2
Bound to make a great fishing platform - just imagine the tourist potential for something like this in the Southport Broadwater - or even in Hervey Bay!
It would even look great in our local Moreton Bay....!