AOPA Levy Causing Mass-Debate Amongst Members
Check out the Airsafety Web Page of Boyd Munro an ex-President of AOPA and his comments on the
$35.00 "Mobil" Levy requested by the committee
The News Desk received an e-mail from Boyd during the week that explains his views on the matter - click HERE
to view

News Desk Observation
The fragmentation of General Aviation continues
In Other News
The AF MiG-15 needs a new Owner
Archerfield's Jet Warbird - the 2 seat MiG-15 - is currently for sale at around the $125K mark
Now if you happen to be a bit of a speed freak - enjoy fast equipment on occasions - the bank manager is your 'mate' and you want to beat the GST before July 1st - well then this is the aircraft for you!
It's a rare 2-seat tandem model - ideal for the girlfriend or better half to sit in the back in complete isolation and watch the countryside zip past far below - or if you happen to be into sport this season then there's heaps of room for your briefcase and the golf clubs
One could slip down to Sydney (about 1000 km away) - play a round or two then flash back and still be in time for lunch at the office cafeteria!
If this machine takes your fancy, and you have the spare funds in the piggy bank then contact the News Desk ...NOW we can both win!