The 'twin' pilot of the Hempel Tiger Moth was involved
in another forced landing, this time a successful one without damage, in the Greenbank area
south of Archerfield on Friday March 30
Media reports indicate the problem was a blocked fuel line;
the aircraft took-off again a short time later after repairs were carried out
Images captured courtesy Ch7 News

Boeing have announced their latest interest
in a high speed airliner capable of operating just below the speed of sound
(.95 of Mach 1) 10% faster than normal passenger
Resemblance to the Rutan line of home-built
aircraft wouldn't happen to be a coincidence . . . would it by
any chance !
Click HERE for previous News Desk
involvement with the Rutan family and Long EZ aircraft

Mobil and The Avgas Fiasco
MOBIL has yet to decide if it would ever resume
production of avgas at its Altona plant after the Australian Transport Safety Bureau
released their report on the incident
News article
The AirCentre News Desk recorded the drama 15 months ago
Click HERE for details on
the Christmas Eve 1999 CASA AD that grounded most of the OZ Light Aircraft
HERE for more details

The new Bundaberg designed and manufactured
Jabiru 8 cylinder aircraft engine is creating a lot of interest around the globe
As mentioned in the Week One March Issue there is tremendous interest by overseas countries,
especially within the USA home-built market, in "our" aircraft engines
Click HERE for Jabiru engine web page

Air Race Aircraft in Trouble
Click HERE for air race withdrawal details on the QLD entry Star of Noosa
Previous News items HERE
RAAF Jet with Engine Fire ¹
On Monday 2, one of the three engines on the Government jet aircraft carrying Federal Treasurer Peter Costello caught fire shortly
after take-off forcing the pilot to declare an emergency and return to Canberra
¹Source ABC News Online