History Recalled from War Years
Late last month, on the 27 March 2001 to be precise,
a newly installed memorial plaque was unveiled in the Archerfield main passenger terminal lounge
to recall the loss of 23 military personnel aboard a RAAF DC3/C47 that impacted the ground
shortly after departure 59 years ago to the day
Click HERE for comprehensive details on the accident recorded by a local historian

CASA Extensions Create Chaos
Ansett engineers discovered cracks in the
engine pylons of three of its fleet of seven 200 series aircraft
Click HERE and HERE for media articles
Click HERE for previous News
on Ansett aircraft
The maintenance inspections were overdue by 13 months in complying
with a Boeing Service Bulletin for engine mount cracks issued on March 2 2000
Click HERE for the Australian Transport Safety Bureau media release - more news

An Aero Commander 500, similar to this nose
wheel collapse image, is reported missing on a flight from Cairns to Cape York Peninsula
in northern QLD
Story HERE
The wreckage of the aircraft was found at about
1430hrs Wednesday 11 on Thornton Peak in the Cape Tribulation National Park, there were
no survivors
Media Report