Not the Latest from AF
But the Latest from USA
Sonic Boom Shaping
The illustration shows an artist's concept of the plume of a shaped sonic boom
(left) compared to the plume of a conventional boom (right)
USA's Northrop Grumman Corporation's
Integrated Systems Sector will perform the first flight demonstration of a sonic boom
mitigated by airframe shaping as part of a co-operative industry and government effort
with the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Image source Newscom

Boeing 737 Emergency at Sydney
August 2
A full emergency was declared at Sydney airport to-day as an Air Vanuatu B737 with undercarriage problems finally
landed without incident after dumping fuel to be at the official certified landing weight
The aircraft is believed to have departed Melbourne for Honiara with
108 passengers and then landed Sydney after a low fly-past over the airport so engineers in the control tower could
try to determine the damage sustained on take-off
Source News.Com.Au HERE

C172 Student Deflects to Cuba
August 1
A 55 year old USA Pizza Hut delivery driver, and now ex-student pilot, had been taking flying lessons from a Florida
Keys based flying school for about two weeks, and on his first solo flight he failed to land and headed for Cuba where
he forced landed the Cessna on a local beach
The US Navy monitored the flight and tried to contact the pilot; but there was no radio
response from the aircraft. The Navy broke off the surveillance when the C172 entered Cuban airspace
Source Aero-News [08-02-01] HERE

August 4
A single engine Beech Musketeer aircraft with three people on board apparently experienced an engine failure and carried out a successful (walk away from)
forced landing about 16 kilometres north of Coolgardie in West OZ
The aircraft landed on a gravel road with
one of the wings striking a tree during the ensuring roll-out
Source:- ABC News

300,000 Piston Engine Deliveries
In a 63 year continuous production for an horizontally-opposed
aircraft piston engine, Lycoming USA delivered its 300,000th unit which was the focus of a ceremony
held at the high ranking Oshkosh Wittman Regional
Airport Air Show and Convention 2001
The engine was a four-cylinder normally aspirated carburettor
version of 360 cubic inch capacity developing 180 horsepower at 2700rpm
Source:- Aero-News [07-30-01] Here