Shadow Transport Minister in OZ - Martin Ferguson - says major safety incidents involving Qantas and Ansett over the past 12 months have caused the public to lose confidence in the industry
" seems to me we have a potential crisis with respect to the operation of CASA" ¹
¹ Source:-
This News Desk comment on the subject is recorded in Week One

How do you end up with $1,000,000 after investing and working hard in the OZ Light Aircraft Industry for 20 years ?
Start with two !
Shakespeare once said:-
"The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword"
(to highlight the power of the written word)
but now
is HTML Mightier Than The Pen ?
Within five minutes of the release of the AirCentre News Flash Issue 19 sent to all registered viewers notifying them of the "Wheel Clamping" incident the "barriers were coming down" from around the Cessna C150 !
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Thursday January 4 - time 1100hrs
Airport owner's public display of "Wheel Clamping" an aircraft for outstanding airport fees!
This rather public show of demand is expected to bring a quick result but it may also cause the 'golden goose' (in this case, puddle jumping private aircraft) to fly the coupe
The Wheel Clamped Cessna C150
This aircraft was involved in another interesting drama in the early '90's with an attempt to sabotage the engine by the introduction of foreign particles
(sand would you believe) into the oil by a person or persons unknown
The sabotage was able to be proven and the Insurance Company paid for the O-200 engine overhaul !
National Holiday Road Toll:-
Road Fatalities 80 ¹
¹ Source:-
National Holiday Light Aircraft Toll:-
Air Fatalities Ø ²
² Source:- OZ News Media
¹ Source:- Quote from Shakespeare's play "Hamlet"
( to be politically correct, it needed sourcing ! )