The Federal Opposition Shadow Transport Minister, Martin Ferguson, has backed the Australian Transport Safety Bureau and
its investigation of CASA and the Ansett maintenance practises¹
The Federal Opposition has also raised the possibility of replacing CASA after it failed to monitor and correctly audit Ansett's maintenance division which would have eliminated the grounding of seven Ansett B767
aircraft during the peak holiday period prior to Christmas

Latest GA stats¹ available from the Government
indicate a large decline in flying activity over recent years in the Business and Private flying section when compared with the Flying Training and Charter operations
The Ultra-light aircraft movement has increased significantly during the private/business decline period and indicates that there is still strong interest in private flying albeit at a higher risk !
¹Click on chart for enlarged view
The "Backpacker Airline" DC3 that failed to get airborne some years back is now in the process of dismantling to be taken to a new aircraft museum at Amberley
Click HERE for a previous news article on the DC3/C47
The ex-Hawker Pacific aircraft spares and former pilot shop building has now been leased to a confectionery wholesaler
Also from AVSTATS comes the latest Survey Result for the period ending December 31 1999
The Survey mentions that Private Flying recorded the strongest growth, up 4.9% (parachute dropping - previously air-work - is now recorded as private flying) over the 12 month survey period while Business Flying continued on it's downward trend with a further fall of 6.4%
Business flying activity is now almost half of what it was 20+ years ago - refer to chart in Comments