Archerfield's DC4 is in the picture again - perhaps for the last time
Not only is it becoming more difficult to capture the aircraft
in a photo lens, just ask the University media students who were on the field during the past week
looking for a suitable backdrop for their assignment, the owner has decided to see if anyone is interested
in buying the machine
Word also has the Hempel MiG-15 as now sold after some considerable
time on the market

Other News Items on Twins
June 28:
A trainee pilot and instructor were unhurt after their twin-engine Beech Baron collapsed a main undercarriage
leg at Parafield Airport in South Australia whilst undergoing circuit training
Media Source:- HERE
There was a similar incident involving a PA30 Piper
Twin Comanche last week at Maroochydore airport in QLD
From Local Media Sources

June 27:
Shortly after take-off from Nagoya airport in Japan a Japanese Airlines DC-10 rained hot metal parts onto a local
suburb nearby with some bits falling onto a factory roof, houses and a car
Media Source:- HERE
Reports in the OZ media on June 27 mention that a
Qantas Boeing 737 carrying 123 people narrowly missed a truck as it took off from Perth
airport on June 18
Media Source:- HERE

Almost a Hole-in-One on 18th
June 23:
A pilot undergoing twin instruction at Moorabbin airport was
forced to land on a golf course in Melbourne's south-east on Saturday afternoon
Media reports indicate the twin-engine aircraft sustained some
damage when it hit a bunker at the approach to Capital Golf Course's 18th hole
Media Source:- HERE

'Bandit' Engine Fire 'may-day'
June 25:
The pilot of a twin turbo-prop 18 passenger Embraer Bandeirante was forced to land at
Cootamundra after one of the engines caught fire on a flight from Sydney to Griffith in western NSW
Then the left main undercarriage leg failed to extend correctly after trying twice to get
it down, meanwhile the fire was trying to engulf the right engine so the pilot wisely put the aircraft
Media Source:- HERE and HERE