Barry was struck heavily in the head by a "swing out" hangar door he was opening in windy conditions on Thursday May 24
He is sedated and in intensive care in the PA Hospital and
condition at last report was "not as bad as first thought"
His neurological condition is unknown but he has responded to sounds and
there is concern for one of his eyes
At 'press release' - May 31 - reports have Barry still sedated in intensive care one week after the accident

Aircraft Accident Near Bourke
May 27 - three people are reported killed in a light plane crash near the New South Wales town of Bourke
Media Report HERE
CASA Boss in News May 30
CASA chief investigator Peter Boys said today that an air safety breach by CASA director Mick Toller should have been referred to the Director
of Public Prosecutions
The Federal Opposition claims Mr. Toller received special treatment from the agency because of his friendship with the Transport Minister¹
¹ Local Sources

Archerfield PA-30 Accident 23/5/01

News Desk Report HERE
Previous news article on
aircraft owner-pilot HERE
RQAC Memorial Formation Flight
Tuesday 29 1500hrs
Media Report HERE

New Balloon Record Attempt
The USA's Washington University backed Solo Spirit helium filled
balloon, piloted by around the world adventurer Steve Fossett, will launch from Kalgoorlie sometime
in mid June, 2001
Upon a favourable trajectory forecast, Fossett will launch
and fly east from West Australia until he returns again, hopefully, in 15 days time to be
the first person to fly a balloon solo around the world
Balloon Base
Previous Balloon Flight Reports HERE