Report excerpt from Boyd Munro fax March 4th 2001 on the EVU contest
"CASA's submission was almost entirely devoted to an attack on me. That
made me very proud, and if you authorised me to represent you I hope it makes you proud, too. The thrust of
CASA's submission was that Boyd Munro is a lone voice crying out against Enforceable Voluntary Undertakings,
and that every "respectable" person and organization thinks they are a good idea. That really is what CASA
said, and if I were not there supported by more than a thousand faxes it would have been believed. But
of course it was not believed - for which I thank those of you who asked me to represent you"

The old ex Rex Aviation hangar, which was
operated up to recent times by a now defunct pest control business, has acquired a new tenant
From here
To here
Click HERE for the
previous News Desk story on the flying school's arrival at Archerfield

The CASA based EVU was another unwanted law contested
by Boyd Munro backed up by the troubled
aircraft owners and pilots of OZ
This ongoing and expensive battle with those in
a position of power¹ must, by now, be obvious to all both within the aviation and
government sectors and the general public at large
¹ Previous Stuff
The only problem with this so called "democratic process" is the Government's unlimited funds that can be allocated for "battle" compared to those
citizens who are prepared to carry out what could be perceived as a public duty for the constituents !

Two Australian pilots grounded in India for almost
two weeks have finally been given clearance to leave after arriving from Thailand without a
landing permit
The brother pilots are trying to make it to England for the London to Sydney Centenary of Federation Air Race that starts March 11
Air Race details HERE
¹ via Boyd Munro's Fax Brigade