News media reports have the Harts light aircraft collection at Archerfield to be
25 aircraft and valued greater than $5m!
A few aircraft were undergoing restoration,
quantity unknown, but without a C of A or a permit to fly, they really are of little value
Most light aircraft owners would like to think
that their pride and joy is worth a lot of money, especially after spending heaps on
restoration and maintenance, but in reality, it is not so
Media Source:-
The Courier Mail 13/10/01 P67

October 8:
A departing McDonnell Douglas MD-87 jet, operated by Scandanavian Air Systems,
struck a Cessna Citation II that accidentally entered the active runway in thick fog conditions
The MD-87, on a flight from Milan to Copenhagen with 104 passengers and 6 crew, then
veered off the runway after hitting the Citation and crashed into a hangar
Among the dead were at least 12 airport employees
working in the hangar at the Italian Linate airport
Media Source:-

October 8:
The world's first home-built rocket powered aircraft has completed phase one of
flight testing
The test aircraft, a modified Long-EZ flown by Dick Rutan of Voyager non-stop around
the world fame, is powered by twin 400lb thrust rocket engines and is fuelled by
isopropyl alcohol and liquid oxygen
Test pilot Dick was also a visitor to Archerfield a few years back, click
HERE for that news article
Media Source:-

The OZ VH aircraft register has 7 aircraft listed under "Harts Flying Fighters" and
3 under Merrell Assoc., (Yak-3 - 8KCAB -
Yak-50 ) that's 15 less than "The Courier Mail" suggests there is! -
L-39 not included
Included is Steve's pride and joy; the Bristol
Centaurus powered Hawker Sea Fury
Other aircraft include the CAP 232 aerobatic
machine - the adorable T-28 Trojan and SNJ-5 Texan - a Yak-50 and Chipmunk trainer and
a twin-engine Beech B58 Baron

October 10:
Air crews say that after the terrorist attacks, they are counting on the passengers to
help protect them: - Quote
of the Year -
"I loved what I saw," said JoAnn Rockman, who watched her fellow passengers subdue
Coburn. "The stewardess yelled, 'Get that guy!' and half the plane got up"
Passengers tackle a deranged man who broke into a cockpit and to subdue a
drunken OZ'e
Media Source:-
HERE and

October 13:
The FAA in the USA are to allow private aircraft to resume flying next week in the airspace
around 15 metropolitan areas
Pilots of aircraft with the radio capability
are instructed to monitor the guard frequency (121.5 MHz) while in Enhanced Class B
The FAA encourages VFR pilots in Enhanced Class
B airspace to fly normally and to avoid aerobatics, circling or loitering, and
unpredictable flight paths!
Media Source:-