The Jacaranda trees are now in full bloom, a well known reminder for Archerfield aviators that summer and the associated tropical storms can appear on the horizon anytime from now
December 1996 saw a small but nasty hail storm pass over Archerfield leaving exposed aircraft on the receiving end of some large chunks of ice!
News Desk Article:- December 1996

Don Kendell's Last Departure
October 14:
The founder of Australias largest regional airline - Don Kendell - has had his last departure after loosing the cancer battle - he was 71
Don began his airline in 1971 with a seven-seat Piper Navajo operating between Wagga Wagga and Melbourne
At its peak the Kendall Airline company employed 900 people carrying one million passengers a year covering four states plus the NT
Media Source:- Kendell Airlines

Up - Up - and Away
October 17:
An OZ Government report has recommended that airport landing charges at major
airports be left uncontrolled for a five-year period
The Government has now lifted previous price caps allowing fees at Canberra and Coolangatta airports to more than double (include Archerfield)
QLD's Premier Beattie "The last thing the tourism industry needs at the moment is another slug on the travelling public with increases in airport charges of up to 170% "
Media Source:- -
USA AirWise

October 18:
Due at Woomera next week is a University of QLD project team who plan to test fly the first scramjet engine by using a space rocket
The engine's aim is to "breathe" in semi-space conditions whilst in supersonic flight and reach speeds of more than 8,000 kilometres an hour
Last June the USA's NASA tried and failed with their flight test and will be among the spectators in South OZ come Thursday 25. More News
Media Source:- Uni of QLD and NASA Failure