Traffic on Beatty Road at Archerfield must
be surprised sometimes with pilots doing low level departures or approaches off the R10/28 runway
USA August 24:
A student pilot on a solo cross-country flight from Meacham Field
in Forth Worth USA was killed while trying to land downwind at the Parker County Airport in Texas
The Cessna C152 had departed the north end of runway 35 at WEA when it
struck the flat-bed trailer of an eastbound 18-wheeler passing the airport
Media Source Aero-News [08.24.01]

August 27
A Canadian Air Transat Airbus A330 with 291 passengers avoided ditching in the ocean when it made a dramatic
"Deadstick Landing" to a US
air force base in the Azores Is
The Airbus was forced into an
18-minute 100+ mile motorless
glide over the Atlantic Ocean after all of the jet engines had
No one was seriously injured in the 90 seconds it took to evacuate 304 POB after landing
that fractured all 8 main tyres and part of the runway on rollout
Media Source:- HERE and

August 21
Dick Smith has called for the report into last year's crash of a Whyalla Airlines
passenger aircraft into Spencer Gulf in SA to be conducted by an independent agency
The report, not yet released, suggests the crash was caused by use of lean
fuel mixtures, which it says was encouraged by chief pilot Kym Brougham
Dick is claiming Federal Transport Minister
John Anderson has influenced the release date of the final report into the crash
Media Source:- ABC - Previous Article

Spanish CN-235 Lands Short
August 29
The Binter Mediterraneo operated twin turbo-prop aircraft was on
final approach when it crash-landed on a road some 200m short of the airport runway in Malaga
Spanish radio quoted a survivor, one of the 47 persons on board, saying
a propeller on the left wing had stopped as the plane was preparing to land
At least three people were feared dead and some 40 others injured
Media Source:- HERE and

August 27
Police were contacted late yesterday by a pilot reporting that his
single engine Piper Cherokee had damaged 5 aircraft
It appears the pilot
tried to hand start the PA-32's 300hp Lycoming engine by swinging the propeller
The unrestrained aircraft started suddenly and moved forward about 100
metres damaging 5 aircraft and causing a reported $1.5m repair bill
Media Sources:- HERE and

A highly experienced
Pitts instructor lost his life and his student, who was at the controls of the S-2B, badly injured when the Pitts S-2B
they were in impacted the ground after a high vertical descent 500' short of the runway at Brookhaven Calabro Airport in
the USA last week
Both men were CFIs, the aircraft "stalled and spun while attempting to
land" (FAA Report)

August 27:
Aaliyah - the American actress and pop singer - was among nine people
killed over the week-end when their aircraft impacted the ground shortly after take-off from the
Bahamian authorities
say one of the US-operated plane's engines suddenly cut out as the plane left the tarmac and crashed into a
Media Source ABC

Fire Fighting Tankers Collide
August 28
Two S-2 Tanker aircraft used for fighting forest fires have collided
and crashed in northern California USA, killing both pilots
The incident occurred as the aircraft positioned themselves to dump
retardant on a local forest fire near the town of Ukiah, in Mendocino County
The S-2 aircraft are of a Grumman design from the early 1950s used in anti-submarine
Media Source:- HERE and