November 26
A Brisbane coroner is reported in the media as wanting electronic reporting devices to pinpoint a plane's location after a Cessna C206 went missing in FNQ in 1999
The recommendations by the Coroner - for ELT's and electronic lodgement of flight plans - were available or are a mandatory requirement for all charter aircraft in OZ

: To have electronic lodgement requires good telecommunications - poor in FNQ - and ELT's that will work under 10 meters of water are yet to be designed
Media Source:- Courier Mail

November 27
The US Federal Aviation Administration has issued a third warning about suspect fuel pumps on Boeing 747 and 737/757 aircraft
Fears are held that the pumps could overheat and possibly cause an explosion in an empty fuel tank and are recommending that all suspect aircraft carry extra fuel to keep the
pumps submerged in flight
The FAA believes that by submerging the pumps continually in fuel ignition of vapours in the fuel tank will not occur
Previous Warning Report HERE
Media Source:- AirWise