News Items of Interest - Light Aircraft Focus - Sourced & Compiled from AirCentre Resources FORWARD

 December 2002 Repository 

Week Three
Last Minute Reprieve before Law
The Transport Safety Investigation Bill

AF latest
Local Simulator Centres

 December 10  
USA's Boeing aircraft manufacturing company has tee'd up with local budget airline - Virgin Blue - to operate a new joint heavy-aircraft flight training centre in Brisbane

 Media Source:- AirWise 

At Archerfield the light aircraft flight simulator centre is located in the airport's main terminal building where supervised training in all aspects of instrument flight is available

Previous News article on AF Simulators:- HERE

Kiwi Carrier Engine Failure

 December 8  
An Air New Zealand Boeing 767 departing Brisbane for Auckland with 200 POB had the port engine fail from an apparent rear turbine blade failure necessitating the shutting down of the engine and creating a full-on emergency at BN

"..while the plane was ascending there was a loud bang and one of the two engines shut down"

The Kiwi carrier has had bits fall off their aircraft before - previous reports start HERE

Media Source:- Courier Mail
other news
Transport Safety Investigation Bill

 December 12  
Boyd Munro - champion supporter of private flying in OZ - has had to call on the pilot fraternity to have a "threatening" transport safety bill deferred in the OZ Parliament

"The TSI Bill is the most threatening piece of aviation legislation in more than a decade"

The Bill was scheduled for debate in the Senate to-day but Boyd alerted his Air Safety Australia members - around 1580 of 'em - resulting in a deferment until 2003

Bill Details:- Boyd's AirSafety
interest news
Ariane-5 Rocket Launch Failure

 December 12  
The maiden flight of the French consortium's new Ariane-5 rocket failed shortly after lift-off from the South American territory of Guyana

" was just three minutes into the flight   when the rocket's burners cut out"

The launch failure sent two satellites, - one for European telecom group and the other for French communications - falling into the Atlantic Ocean

Media Source:- Courier Mail

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Private Pilots are an Endangered Human Species in Australia   LAST WEEK  
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