TCAS Confusion in Mid-air
July 10
The mid-air collision over Germany on
July 2 appears to be as a result of the Russian pilot
following a controllers instruction and not that of the automated
TCAS on the Tu154
"..recorders showed that a Swiss air
traffic controller's order for a Russian pilot to descend contradicted the cockpit warning
system's command for the Tu154 to climb"
The Russian pilot hesitated before complying with the controller's
descent instruction; the B757's captain by then was on his TCAS initiated descent
Media Source:- The Courier Mail

Light Aircraft in Spotlight
July 8
In the USA light aircraft owners and operators have been warned to
lock their aircraft as terrorists may try to use them to attack the United States
The US AOPA officials correctly say "the planes are too small to do much damage"
but other so-called 'airline' experts disagree
AOPA indicate that of the 215,000 aircraft
flying in the US, 200,000 are of the small private type
Media Source:- CBS

Airline Pilots to be Armed
July 12
USA airline pilots can now carry firearms in the cockpit as a 'last resort' method of defence to a hijack
The industry objected and mentioned things like "..they were concerned about what kind of damage could be done to the aircraft and its crew from an
errant bullet"
The pilots reply is that the "errant bullet damage" is a non-issue as it would be about 30 seconds before the next option of a military fighter missile launch that would
destroy the aircraft
Media Source:- The Courier Mail

July 11
The Cypriot military lost both their army and air force leaders when
the Bell 206 helicopter they were travelling in crashed on a riverbed near a village during a night exercise

"This is the first accident since the helicopter wing of the National Guard was formed 18 years ago"
Ground control lost contact with the B206 near Paphos, about 80 miles SW of Nicosia in the Mediterranean Sea
Media Source:- CNN