Archerfield Old-Timer Booted
March 6
Archerfield airport owner Gavin Bird gave notice last week to Australian Aeronautics Pty. Ltd., to quit Hangar 2 by no later than April 1
Australian Aeronautics has been a tenant at Archerfield for more than 60 years and held the head lease for Hangar 2 throughout most of that time
The News Desk has been advised that there is a dispute between Australian
Aeronautics and AAC over lease conditions; sub-tenants are not affected
Media Source:- The News Desk

Ansett Fire Sale
March 4
The administrators of the failed Ansett Airlines are preparing for a fire sale of the airline's assets
Included in the sale will be 133 aircraft and 10 million spare part bits, airport terminals and CBD buildings including the companies Melbourne headquarters
After operating over a 67-year period it will be the
final chapter for the airline that was started by Reg Ansett back in 1935
The airline will fly for the last time today
Media Source:- ABC Previous Article HERE

British Airways Emergency
March 2
A London bound British Airways B747 jet made an emergency landing at Sydney airport after experiencing an engine problem shortly after take-off
Media reports indicate that several intake blades had broken off blowing a hole in the side of one of the engines
A similar incident occurred to a Qantas jumbo jet back in December 2001
Click HERE for that article
Media Source:- News.com

OZ Airspace LAMP-v-NAS
March 5
The Airspace issue hots up with a comprehensive report, from former chairman of CASA Dick Smith, on the National Airspace System (NAS) as a simple, safe and cost saving proposal
for OZ aviators
The other proposal by Airservices for a Low-Level Airspace Management Plan (LAMP) is suggested as a no-go as CASA have stated they will resist any increases in dimensions of the mandatory radio areas which is a LAMP requirement
Media Source:- Dick Smith Previous Article HERE

It's Still There!
March 7
The Archerfield impounded Piper PA-28R Arrow VH-ARO remains at the field slowly deteriorating from the wide extremes of weather conditions that have been bought on by the "greenhouse
"Goods that have been damaged whilst under care of a third party usually attract a fair share of 'legal eagles' looking for gold"
Refer Week One last month for previous comments
Content:- The AirCentre News Desk - Archerfield

Space Signal Spectacular
March 3
NASA Scientists in the USA sent a message to a spacecraft, that was launched 30 years ago and 11.93 billion kilometres away, and received a reply after 22 hours 06 min of light-time
The signal travelled through the 12 billion kilometres of space to the Pioneer 10 spacecraft "The Spacecraft That Will Not Die" and after 22 hours a reply came back and was picked up by the deep-space centre at Madrid in Spain
Details:- NASA