OZ Lancair Kit Manufacturer
April 20
Mike Davies, the OZ manufacturer of Lancair aircraft kits at Ballina a few years back, has been found shot dead on the Gold Coast
Police investigations at this point in time suggest that the murder was an "execution-style" hit and may have been targeted by disgruntled business associates
or creditors
Mike's Avtex company - now liquidated - supplied more than 70 Lancair kits to OZ home-builders from the Ballina factory that operated in the late '80's to the mid
Media Source:- The
Courier Mail + AC News Desk

Jet Engine Kills Mechanic
April 23
A few days ago at Narita Airport an airline mechanic chased after a taxiing Air China Boeing B767
The mechanic then vanished
A police spokesman is reported as saying,
"It is possible he may have committed suicide, or he may have been running toward the engine for some other
reason and was sucked in"
All of the 218 passengers on board the B767 at Tokyo ready for departure to Beijing were rescheduled onto other flights
Media Source:- Aero News [04.23.02]

Another Parachute Fails to Open
April 27
A MiG-21 jet fighter, one of the last of two Afghanistan fighter jets still in military service, was taking part in a rehearsal for a military display near the Afghan capital of Kabul
when the engine stopped
Media reports have the Military authorities saying,
"The pilot ejected but his parachute
did not open"
The display marks the anniversary of the Afghan Mujahedin's victory over the Soviets
Media Source:- ABC

Isa Mustering Chopper Down
April 25
A young helicopter pilot from the Sunshine Coast has been killed and his passenger injured while mustering cattle near Mount Isa in western QLD
The passenger who survived the accident, had to walk 500 metres from the crash site to a dirt road where he waited for more than two hours for a passing motorist to pick him up
before been able to alert the authorities
Reports indicate the (R22?) helicopter impacted the ground just before noon after clipping an overhead power line
Media Source:- ABC and

Bad Luck at US Military Airshow
April 21
A US military F-4 Phantom jet fighter has crashed during an air show at the Point Mugu Naval Air Weapons station about 80km
north west of Los Angeles
The Phantom was in a formation of 6 when the engine exploded followed by control loss
Eyewitnesses say one of the crew members ejected from the crippled fighter, as it flew less than 60 metres above the ground before crashing, but
the parachute failed to fully deploy due to lack of height resulting in the loss of the two F-4 crew members
Media Source:- News.Com.Au

Mi-8 Helicopter Hits Power Line
April 28
Media reports have the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk region in Siberia and former Russian
presidential candidate Alexander Lebed receiving fatal injuries after the helicopter he was in hit a power line
The Mi-8 chopper with 11 passengers on board came down near the region's Lake Olskoye in poor visibility conditions
Lebed was the architect of the 1996 peace accord ending the war in Chechnya
Media Source:- ABC