OZ Phantom Millionaire Pilot
May 2
Media reports have an OZ millionaire property owner chartering the Concorde to go to Kitty Hawk USA for the centenary of flight in 2003
OZ light aircraft supporters and regular 'visitors' on these pages, Dick Smith and Boyd Munro have been quizzed by the media but deny any involvement in the flight
Boyd's comment is that he has been 'embarrassed' by not been invited to take part in the flight !
Media Source:- The Courier Mail P3

May 5
Frustrated passengers from Sydney - like ..more than 200 of 'em - have finally left Auckland in Kiwi Land for San Francisco
after making their 4th attempt in 3 days to fly to the USA in a United Airlines Boeing B747
The 3 previous attempts were aborted due to severe turbulence (CAT) initially and then aircraft malfunctions later, with 20 of the 269 passengers and 21 crew aboard
the original flight giving up their planned quest to go to the USA returning to Sydney instead
Media Source:- The Courier Mail

Philippines F-5 Hits School
May 3
A Philipines Air Force F-5 jet fighter taking part in war games with
the USA military has crashed into an unoccupied school in Mabalacat
The Vietnam War vintage F-5 disintegrated in
mid-air before impacting the school compound in Pampanga province killing the pilot and injuring
15 others
The United States and the Philippines are holding military exercises on the main island of Luzon
in the country's south
Media Source:-
Aero News [05.03.02]

Lindberg Arrives in Paris
May 2
Erik Lindbergh
grandson of the first man to fly solo non-stop across the Atlantic in 1927 has managed to
repeat the flight to-day in almost half the time taking only 17 hours to complete the trip
from USA to France
Previous news article on Lindberg's departure last month, click
HERE to view
Archerfield aviator, Bill Finlen, continues his solo world flight, click
for up-dates or HERE for the previous report
Media Source:- Aero News

Cairns Ground Effect Flightship
May 4
A Cairns FNQ manufacturer is operating the
world's first commercially registered ground effect 'flying' ship
The Flightship FS8 'air' craft travels 2 metres above water and can reach speeds of 170
kilometres an hour combining the speed of aircraft with the economy of ships
News Desk Comment
The design appears to be based on the Russian "Wing-in-Ground Effect Craft"
Media Source:- ABC

Indian MiG-21 Hits High Rise
May 3
News reports have an Indian Air
Force MiG-21, recently refurbished by their Russian manufacturers, disintegrating
in mid-air and the blazing fuselage impacting a state-owned high-rise Bank of Rajasthan
The jet fighter was on a training exercise flying over the business district of Jalandhar in
the northern state of the Punjab
The crew managed to eject safely but at least 8 people in the bank have been
Media Source:- ABC