News Items of Interest - Light Aircraft Focus - Sourced & Compiled from AirCentre Resources FORWARD

 October 2002 Repository 

Week One
Whitsunday's Hamilton Island Tourist Fatality
Six lost in PA-32 in what may be a
 'LLTurn G-pull' Accident

AF latest
Cherokee 6 Down on Hamilton Is

 September 26 
Media reports have a PA-32/300 with six POB failing to stay airborne after departing Hamilton Island in the Whitsundays around 1730hrs

The Hamilton Is based Heli-Aust/Island Air charter aircraft ended up hitting a hill and exploding in a quarry off the end of the runway with the loss of all on board

"Four New Zealanders, one American and one Australian (pilot) were on board"

Media Source:- ABC
Kiwi B747 in trouble - AGAIN

 September 26 
The Air New Zealand Boeing 747 that 3 weeks ago had bits of flap fall off has had more problems

The captain was forced to shut down the number 3 engine shortly after departing London's Heathrow airport

The jumbo jet "with 358 passengers on board, was an hour into a flight to Los Angeles when the crew heard a number of loud bangs from an engine and reported overheating ..the aircraft landed back at Heathrow without incident after dumping fuel"

Previous report on the flap saga HERE

Media Source:- AirWise
other news
AusSAR: Just Reporting the Facts

 September 24 
The coronial inquest into the Spencer Gulf accident in 2000 was told by the former manager of Whyalla Airlines that pilots had no confidence in the ability of the Australian Search and Rescue organisation should they ditch in the sea

"Pilot Ben Mackiewicz called mayday when both his engines failed 10 minutes from Whyalla over Spencer Gulf on May 31, 2000, but then asked for his company to be immediately contacted"  (but not AusSAR)

Media Source:- ABC
interest news
Boeing Extends Fuel Pump AD

 September 24 
Boeing announced that there may be an additional 3,284 aircraft, mainly B737, 747 and 757 passenger jets fitted with faulty pumps

Boeing indicated last month that fuel pumps on 116 aircraft were affected

BOOM " extreme circumstances the fault could cause a mid-air explosion ...would only happen if the tank was nearly empty.."

Media Source:- ABC  Previous article HERE

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Private Pilots are an Endangered Human Species in Australia   LAST WEEK  
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