AF Home Builders Workshop
September 8
Local Aeronautical Engineer and aircraft designer - Bill Whitney - has organized a workshop for homebuilders and anyone else interested in recreational sport aeroplane design and
The aviation education day is on October 26th, 2002 from 9.00 am until 3.00 pm covering 3 main topics, structural design, control stability and powerplant systems
Bill can be contacted on (07) 3379 8674 - a small fee applies to cover hall costs and handouts

Birdsville Races Aircraft
September 8
The well known Birdsville races in central OZ continue to attract the usual
number of light aircraft (about 250) making the trip from all parts of the country
It's not the horse race that's the attraction, it's the people who attend and if you don't enjoy a beer you would never understand why 5000 people go to the edge of the
desert in the middle of nowhere just to have a cold beer and watch a horse race
You really have to see it to believe it!
--- That's why people go -- to see for
themselves ---

Hangars for Sale in SE QLD
September 9
There are two airports - within 15 minutes flying time from Archerfield - offering new light aircraft hangars for sale
Watts Bridge airfield north west of Archerfield has a "new commercial hangar" available for purchase and there are 3 brand new hangars for lease at the
Heck airfield at Jacobs Well east of Archerfield
And that's just the new ones, others are available for rent/sale at both Archerfield and Caboolture airports
Media Source:- Aviation Trader Classified
Contact the News Desk for Details

Eclipse 500 - Learjet Reborn
September 11
Aviation USA style continues to expand with reports that the industry is in a healthy condition
New aircraft manufacturer, Eclipse, has released news that it has orders for 2,072 units of the 355kt six-place $837,500 reborn "Learjet" of the 70's
They have 1,357 firm orders and 715 options including 530 owner-to-fly orders
..."the company has secured more than $65,000,000 in non-refundable deposits"..
Media Source:- Eclipse Aviation