2003 - Good Year for Private Flying
December 31
On this last day of 2003 it's perhaps time to consider what has - or better
still - what has not occurred over the past 12 months
These pages openly support private flying and private pilots and aircraft
owners here in OZ and it's interesting to note that on pursuing the ATSB site there were NO FATAL ACCIDENTS recorded in 2003 for PRIVATE FLIGHTS
operated by PRIVATE PILOTS in single engine fixed wing light aircraft - however the AirCentre
records indicate there were in fact 3 fatal accidents that claimed only 3 lives in 2003
Excluded in the above statement are ultralights and flights designated
as training, flight testing, and rotary wing aircraft or aircraft under the control of experienced
commercial and/or foreign pilots that were involved in a wide range of fatal accidents

Heavy Pilot Caught Drinking on Job
December 22
A Virgin Atlantics Captain on the Washington DC to Heathrow route was
arrested in the USA and charged with trying to fly an aircraft under the influence of alcohol
" ..it's the first time it has happened in the 20 years we've been
operating and is totally out of character for Captain Harwell who is an extremely experienced and popular pilot"
The passengers on board the Jumbo jet - about 400 - were delayed waiting
for another pilot to fly them to the UK and finished up arriving at Heathrow 23 hours later
Media Source:-
The Courier-Mail and Local TV

B727 Aborts Take-Off After V1
December 26
A charted Boeing 727 with 161 passengers and crew on board crashed into the sea after trying to
take-off from the western African nation of Benin which is alongside Nigeria
The 727 went "..skidding down the beachfront runway and smashed into
a building before exploding and tumbling nose down into the sea"
Reports have one of the 727's pilots surviving but more than 130 persons
on board the Lebanese based UTA charter flight did not
Media Source:-

Kiwi Ferry Pilot Lost in Pacific
December 27
A new Kiwi built PAC750XL aircraft - the first one to be sold by New Zealand's Pacific Aerospace -
was on it's ferry flight to the USA on Christmas day when it experienced a fuel problem and had to ditch
"When the C-130 reached him he had about 15 minutes of fuel remaining.
The main wheels touched just prior to the nosewheel. The nosewheel touched, dug in, and the
aircraft flipped easily onto its back, settling on the water with the wings on the surface,
in a slight nose down attitude, upside down...
...rescue swimmers found Kelvin still strapped in"
The pilot - Kelvin Stark 58 of Tauranga - "...never recovered from the ditching, he just never made it out of the
cockpit" - Media Source:-
Utility Aircraft

Air Traffic Controllers Demise
December 26
A report in the December '03 Issue of the National Geographic mentions that
air traffic control of the future will be by electronic means using computers on board each aircraft to do the "controlling"
"..ten years from now we won't be using radar,
..it's too slow"
The report indicates that air traffic controllers are planned to be replaced by "a more integrated process between
airlines, pilots, and ground control"
Media Source:-
National Geographic December 2003 P14