Archerfield's New 'Grand Canyon'
July 29
Recent "improvements" to Archerfield have seen an access road constructed adjacent to the main runway complex
Two views of the road on approach to the 10's runway

News Desk Note for Pilots:-
...hitting the bank at around 100kts is bound to give one a nasty headache for a while!
Media Source :- The News Desk

Archerfield's Hunter Departs
July 26
After a long ...read this as arrived at AF in 1997 ...and expensive ...like as in megabucks$$ stay at Archerfield undergoing refurbishment -
the 1950's design and the UK's front line Hunter jet fighter of the time - departed for a new home at Maroochydore
"The aircraft performed like a dream..."
Details of the restoration are available from Hunter Flight's home page
Media Source :- Hunter Flight

Recent Aborts and Undershoots
July 30
A light twin chartered by Robe River Mining with pilot and four passengers on board - aborted take-off Pannawonica airport in West OZ
"...it ran off the runway and into a fence at around 3pm AWST (yesterday 29th)"
Media reports have the passengers and pilot treated for minor injuries and shock

Two weeks ago at Mount Isa a "six-seater plane" crash-landed approaching the airport
"It landed a couple of kilometres short.."
Media Source :- ABC

July 30
OZ Transport Minister John Anderson has stated that the CASA board will
be scrapped and he is to assume more direct control over the authority
"..the decision was made jointly by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority board and director of aviation safety Mick Toller"
Previous CASA articles:-
May Week Three (court action over Licence Cancellation) -
November 2002 Week Four (Restructure announced) -
March 2002 Week Three & Four
(Flying School and OZ champion pilot grounded) - July 2001 Week Four
(DVT Writs Issued) - May 2001 Week One (Dick Smith commenting)
etc.. etc.
Media Source :- ABC