A-36 makes BIG Crater in Crash
June 8
In the USA a Beech A-36 Bonanza impacted a 14-unit apartment building in Los Angeles shortly after departing the nearby Santa Monica airport
"Witnesses say the aircraft's engine made unusual noises just before it plunged into the Hollywood-area apartment building"
The accident claimed 5 lives including 2 persons on board the Beech;
the owner pilot had only recently purchased the aircraft
Media Source aero-news.net and local TV

Micro-light Accident Claims 2
June 3
A microlight pilot and his female backpacker passenger were killed when the home-built weight-shift aircraft they were in crashed into the bush near Byron Bay shortly after take-off
"one of two ultralights that took off at around 2pm from Tyagarah airstrip - Joe Scott - owner of the Skylimit microlight and hang gliding company was an expert
flyer with more than 20 years' experience"
Media Source news.com.au

Wheels-up Landing for PA-30
June 2
Media reports have a twin Comanche in a wheels-up landing at Armidale airport late Sunday
"the pilot's warning light was activated when he attempted to engage
the landing gear ...a fly past and a visual inspection by ground staff revealed that the landing gear had not fully locked"
The 50 year-old pilot from Melbourne was the only person on board and escaped uninjured
Media Source news.com.au