News Items of Interest - Light Aircraft Focus - Sourced & Compiled from AirCentre Resources FORWARD

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 JUNE 2003 

Week Two

 The OZ Prime Minister in Aircraft Unserviceability Incident
 New Jets encounter the same problems as the "Old" Ones

AF latest
Another Ultralight Suspended

 June 11 
A pilot of an ultralight aircraft spent an hour in his machine hanging from power lines near Boggabri Tamworth until power authorities were able to cut supply and free him

The pilot was released uninjured

There has been a number of accidents reported in the news recently - previous reports are HERE (April) HERE (March) HERE (January)

Ultralights are not part of the OZ Governments records of official aircraft of around 11,866 sport, light and heavy machines - details available at CASA

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other news
OZe PM's Aircraft Unserviceable

 June 9 
In Gladstone in central QLD an engine problem with the Prime Minister's jet forced the PM to go by car to Rocky were he was able to continue with his program

Around 2 years ago the Federal Government sold off the 30 year old ex RAAF Boeing 707 aircraft and replaced them with 2 Boeing 737 aircraft and 3 Challenger business jets to carry out official duties as the older 707's were considered to be unreliable

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