News Items of Interest - Light Aircraft Focus - Sourced & Compiled from AirCentre Resources FORWARD

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 JUNE 2003 

Week Four

 $15 Million US Dollars Flutters down into Ocean
 NASA's Solar Powered Research Aircraft Falls Apart

AF latest
Helios Structural Failure

 June 27 
NASA's solar powered research aircraft - the Helios - crashed shortly after take-off from a military base in Hawaii

Designed to stay aloft for several months utilising the sun's solar energy to drive it's 14 electric motor-propeller combination it appears that there was a structural failure with the wing "delaminating"

"The remote-piloted vehicle tumbled in pieces into the ocean below"

Media Source ABC

other news
Heavy Approaches Highway

 June 24 
Media reports have a pilot suspended last month after the passenger jet he was flying ended up only 200 metres above the Bruce Highway near Mackay airport in north Queensland

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau says the Impulse Airlines 717 jet was carrying 90 passengers


It's not the first time a heavy has made an approach to a road alongside the airport!

Media Source ABC

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