Tourist Skydiver Fatality in WA
March 13
A young tourist sky-diver exiting a jump aircraft in WA on Wednesday
at around 4000' hit the tailplane and received serious head injuries
As with most of the skydivers jumping in OZ today he was fitted with
an automatic opening device and "the automatic parachute
release opened and returned him to earth"
He failed to recover from the injuries and died the next day in the
Royal Perth hospital
Media Source:- News.com.au

B747 'Bogged' -- Mirage Mid-Air
March 9
At Melbourne's Tullamarine airport a United Airlines B747 with 150
passengers and 12 crew on board veered off the taxiway and became 'bogged' for a while
The only heavy lifting equipment suitable to retrieve the aircraft was in
Sydney and it finished up arriving the next day
Two French Mirage fighter jets collided during training exercises above the
Reims air base killing both pilots
Media Source:- News.com.au