Archerfield Workshop Closure
May 1
After 18 years of servicing and repairing
light aircraft from around OZ and PNG the workshop, Archerfield Aircraft Maintenance, closed the hangar door yesterday
for the last time
Started by Jim Mitchell back in the early '80's, after a stint at RQAC's Air Charter and Air Gold
Coast, Jim sold AAM a few years back and went to PNG servicing aircraft
From News Desk recollections, Jim served his apprenticeship at
Archerfield's Air Express back in the '60's (Air Express closed back in the late '70's)

New Flying School @ Archerfield
May 7
As with light aircraft workshops at Archerfield that seem come and go over the years, so do the flying
The "grape vine" has it that another flying school is about to start
up in business in a one-man-band operation along the lines of a few similar attempts years ago
Further details will be provided as time progresses, the CASA approvals
do take time to organise!
Click HERE to view a report back in 1999
of a flying school closure and HERE for a more recent closure in