ASA Member in Court - Fire Ants
May 21
Court proceedings over CASA pilot licence cancellation for Air Safety member deferred yet again at Horsham
Legal delaying tactics costing dollars for both parties ...one has unlimited public funds!
Details of Air Safety Australia's Fax Copy
The DPI Fire Ant Brigade were back on the airfield again in their 4 wheeler motor cycles
Click HERE for a previous report in 2002

Resurfacing Creates Chaos
May 15
Qantas flight QF 638 from Melbourne on late final for touchdown at Brisbane airport was caught out and forced to abort the landing around 2310 hours late last night
Passengers aboard the jet were treated to a spectacular climb-out and flown to Tamworth where they spent a few hours killing time
Apparently the main runway was unserviceable due to asphalt resurfacing
Media Source:- News.com.au