Ultralight Skyfox Crash Claims 2
October 11
An OZ manufactured and certified 2 seat Skyfox departing the Dunwich airstrip on North Stradbroke Island appears to have had an engine failure and impacted the ground killing
the 2 persons on board
"They were very experienced pilots ..one of them had been flying for about 30 years"
The Skyfox - built at Caloundra a few years back - has the reputation of a "docile stall" aircraft however it can "bite" if unintentionally stalled close
to the ground with a sharp nose-down pitch
Media Source:- The Sunday Mail

OZ Base Jumper Killed in Stunt
October 8
President of the Australian BASE Association - 30-year-old Dwain Weston - was killed when a skydiving stunt involving the world's highest suspension bridge went amiss
The USA's Royal Gorge Bridge was damaged by the impact of the skydiver when he struck a railing at 160kph which severed his leg
The aim of the jump was for one parachutist to glide over the bridge using "wing suits" while another jumper was to pass underneath
Media Source:- News.com.au