X-Ansett B767 Scrapped for Parts
October 31
A number of aircraft from the former Ansett fleet remain unsold after administrators tried to sell them on the world market and now - for the first time in OZ -
a serviceable passenger jet has been dismantled just for the parts content
In 2001 CASA grounded Ansett B767's over the peak income period - click HERE for that news article

USA has the Davis-Monthan Air Base where retired aircraft - both civil and military machines - are preserved and then stored in the Arizona desert awaiting further use
Private page link to the USA "graveyard" HERE
Media Source:- Local TV News

Concorde's Last Commercial Flight
October 23
After 27 years of carrying out a sterling service for the supersonic jet-setters of the world Concorde's last commercial flight departed UK's Heathrow
airport at night watched by a large crowd of well-wishers and nostalgia buffs
"A special grandstand has been erected at Heathrow for 1,000 lucky plane buffs who won tickets in a lottery to watch the touch-downs" (on return)
On September 19 1986 the Concorde overflew Archerfield low-and-slow and landed at Brisbane on one of it's many around the world charters at the time carrying
as tourists "the rich and famous" globetrotter jet-setters
Media Source:- ABC - Click HERE for Tribute

October 23
Initial media reports have incorrectly reported that Virgin boss, Richard
Branson, and Steve Fosset planning to be the first to fly around the world non-stop and without refuelling
That's already been done in December 1986 by USA's Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager (no
relation to Chuck of sound-barrier fame) in the "self-built" Voyager
The media eventually got it right that Steve would be the first to fly SOLO around the world and that the Virgin boss would be the back-up pilot
The jet powered light aircraft has been designed to take advantage of upper atmosphere jet-streams and is expected to take around 3 days to complete
Media Source:- ABC

Cessna C172 Lost in Bass Strait
October 27
A search is underway for a Cessna C172 that reported an engine failure in the Bass Strait late Sunday
Police have asked ships and planes in the area to look out for any trace of the downed aircraft
The 'mature age' pilot - Bill Bell from Warrnambool - was on his way to his wife's funeral when he declared the May-Day

October 28
Police have called off their search after deciding the search area was too large and it was unlikely the pilot would be alive

Media Source:- ABC