Entertainment at Expense of Others

Eject 8/10ths Second Before Impact
February 3
Classic image of USA's Thunderbirds F-16 "Pilot Error" accident at the Mountain Home Air Force
Base, Idaho last September
"The pilot incorrectly climbed to 1,670 feet AGL instead of 2,500 feet before initiating the pull-down
to the Split-S manoeuvre ...his home base Nellis AFB in Nevada used during practice is 1,000 feet lower than the Idaho field elevation"
Good argument for the QNH -v- QFE debate:- set "0" on the altimeter instead of airfield elevation
(will indicate local barometric pressure)
Media:- AvWeb

OZ Military Orders Global-Hawks
February 4
The Federal Government announced to-day that it is ordering a squadron of Northrop Grumman Global Hawk unmanned aerial
vehicles for the Australian Defence Forces in a deal worth up to $1 billion
"It has a 35m wingspan that makes it bigger than a Boeing 737 and it can fly for 38 hours and cover 14,000 Km"
In 2001 a G-Hawk flew 7,500 miles from the USA to RAAF Edinburgh military base near Adelaide in a 22+ hour un-refuelled and non-stop flight -
news of that "Spy Plane" report is HERE
Media:- The Courier Mail