News Desk - News Flash Up-date
News Desk Communiquè
For those of you who have signed up for the News Flash and are concerned
about the lack of activity - as in there has been no recent Issues - then the following may be of interest
The AirCentre News Flash has not been issued for more than 9 months - May 31 2003 to be precise - and under the current climate of high spam e-mail activity the situation is not expected
to alter for some time
If a situation develops where there is need for an urgent notice to be sent then that will happen - but the News Desk projection is that
it will remain this way for some time to come
Note:- All Data protected by 2 firewalls and Norton Anti-Virus

Float-Plane Accident at Cairns
February 8
A single engine Cessna - reported as a turbine powered C208 float-plane with only the pilot and 1
passenger on board - has crashed into the water while attempting to land at Green Island off Cairns around 1630hrs
Media reports have the engine failing in the float-plane causing the aircraft to crash into the water
The pilot and passenger were able to exit the damaged aircraft successfully and were unhurt
Media:- The Courier-Mail