Melksham-V-Archerfield Airport
June 3
The Queensland Supreme Court has issued a judgement over a lock-out action taken by the airport operator over the non-approved
sub-leasing of a private hangar to a military based helicopter maintenance organization
Judge may "factor in the possibility of further relief on ..withholding of consent ..or re-take possession"
It was a costly exercise for the hangar owner who was more used to an "informal" method of sub-leasing that was the "norm" up until control of the airport
was sold by the OZ Government in 1998 - Government media release of the sale back then is via HERE
Previous report on the Hangar lock-out HERE
Court Judgement - HERE (PDF Format 99Kb)

Airfield Security Breached
June 3
Security was breached at Archerfield overnight when a number of training aircraft operated by Arena Aviation were damaged by graffiti
- the action creating concerns for the safety aspects of all aircraft including pilots and fare-paying passengers
"...It would have taken at least an hour or so to do!"
A 1996 News Desk report on Archerfield security is HERE
Media:- The News Desk