November 18
A Piper Arrow aircraft with a family of 4 on board, and on short final to Griffith airport in
country NSW, encountered wind-sheer and a crosswind landing and "was forced into trees
at the side of the airstrip"
The PA-28R on a trip from Orange to Victoria was calling in for fuel when the mishap occurred
"One man two women and a boy on board walked away"
November 22
The News Desk has in the past commented on the 'danger' of flying VFR near OZ controlled
airspace - an observation based on personal experience over 39 years of private flying VFR
VFR flying in the USA - again from personal experience - is far less stressful and does not
require the latest up-to-date procedural requirements associated with professional flyers which is normally applicable only to IFR flight

Published in 1996 - "Dreamtime in OZ" - outlines the frustrations facing VFR pilots back then..
That report is HERE