News Items of Interest - Light Aircraft Focus - Sourced & Compiled from AirCentre Resources FORWARD

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 JULY 2005 

 Archerfield Airport "Master Plan" Under Attack by Local Aviators
 Pilots Gain Prime-Time News Coverage over Non-Aviation Plans

Local Archerfield Pilots along with the QLD Scout Commissioner - who oversees the aviation based "Scout Den" building constructed on airport property - have gained the attention of prime-time news media over the way Archerfield is managed by the owner/operator and spoke out about the "Master Plan" for the airfield which included the development of a number of non-aviation buildings on property specifically designated for aviation use
The response from the airport management office as recorded by the media was that the airport is a commercial enterprise and therefore operates similar to commercial businesses and rental rates applicable to the surrounding business area

The group also mentioned that some hangar owners - those that built their own hangars on leased airport ground - were unable to renew their lease after the term had or was about to expire and in most cases were left with no satisfactory alternative other than to hand over their property to the operator and/or face a massive rent increase

Media:- TV Ch10 July 28 2005
German Pilot Suicides in Spectacular Fashion on Reichstag Lawn in Berlin

Click to Enlarge An ultra-light aircraft crashed on to the lawn of the German Reichstag building in Berlin that forms part of the lower house of parliament
"Before taking off from an airfield in Brandenburg he handed over personal documents and car keys to his 14-year-old son and told him of plans to kill himself"

The 39-year-old ultralight pilot who died in the accident had been questioned by police over the disappearance of his wife
"He gave conflicting statements to investigators when questioned about his wife and appeared to be on a suicide mission"

Media:- ABC - - July 23/24 2005

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