 B737 Passenger Jet Down Yet Again - Indonesia - 149 Lives Lost
 Aerobatic CAP 232 Aircraft Grounded after Loss of French Military Pilot

 Professional Pilot Lost in Home-Built Accident near Inglewood
 Indications of Engine Failure and Unsuccessful Forced Landing

 Light Aircraft Prangs - Bankstown - Jandakot - The Kimberley and Kununurra
Kiwi's Sell Entire Air Force Combat Wing of 34 Aircraft to Private USA Buyer

 Kiwi Pilot Alarms Auckland's Populace on Election Night
 Flying Instructor in Piper Cherokee Threatens Sky-Tower

 "It could only happen in America" - Live 'Entertainment' as You Crash
 Passengers on Disabled Jet Watched Live TV as Airbus Crash-Lands

 Mature Age Couple Lost in Beech A36 Accident Near Tenterfield

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