Extracts from the WWW relative to this outstanding USA wartime airman For authentication use the WWW search engines "Major William A. Shomo" ......................................................................... Major Shomo was lead pilot of two P-51s on a photographic and strafing mission against the Aparri and Laoag Airdromes on Luzon, Philippine Islands, on January 11, 1945. En route, he encountered an enemy bomber and 12 fighters. Major Shomo attacked and destroyed the lead plane, then another fighter. As the enemy formed for counter-attack, Major Shomo downed a third fighter, then the bomber. He sought out a fifth plane and destroyed it. With exceptional skill and bravery he went on to shoot down two more fighters. His wingman shot down three fighters. The three remaining enemy aircraft fled. And from another report.. Fifth Air Force Mustangs began to operate out of the Philippines in December 1944. One of the Fifth's pilots, Major William A. Shomo, was flying an F-6D over northern Luzon on 11 January 1945, when he ran into a swarm of Japanese fighters, including the Ki-61 "Tony" and formidable Ki-44 "Tojo". Shomo shot down seven of them, to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for this feat. Major William A. Shomo - Died June 25, 1990 at the age of 72