News Items of Interest - Light Aircraft Focus - Sourced & Compiled from AirCentre Resources FORWARD

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 OCTOBER 2006 

 Two Pilots Fail to Activate Aircraft Parachute in SR20 Cirrus
 High-Rise Impact in Downtown New York City Claims 2 Lives

October 12  2006
A four-place Cirrus SR20 on what appeared to be a sight-seeing trip crashed into the side of a Manhattan high-rise after circling the Statue of Liberty a little earlier

The 34 year-old 'new' pilot and his flight instructor lost their lives when the machine veered into the side of the building igniting a fire inside an apartment - it broke apart with debris falling onto the street below

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg reports that only two people on board the aircraft were killed - their bodies were found on the street below the high-rise

News Desk Comment
The relativity new aircraft was owned and piloted by a US sporting star - media research suggest a loss of control after an engine failure - "the propeller was found separated from the engine"

Media:- National Post Canada and Local TV

Holden Airship's Debut in Brisbane's Night Sky

October 14  2006
The Holden Airship made it's debut over the Brisbane CBD on Saturday cruising around the clear night sky creating a spectacular sight for Brisbanites

Previous News Desk report on the airship HERE

News Desk Comment
Very reminiscent of the Bond and Whitmans airships that based themselves at Archerfield during the 80's and 90's - News Desk report of that era is HERE

Media:- The News Desk

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