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 AUGUST 2007 

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Pilots and Operators Get Political over Archerfield's Aviation Safety Standards

August 19  2007
The Archerfield Airport Chamber of Commerce Inc has advised it's members of a meeting to be held with political leaders this week designed to outline what is expected to happen if there is a change of Government at the next Federal Election due within the next few months

Readers may recall the Committee submitting a detailed and time consuming report to Government - refer WEEK ONE of this month - outlining safety concerns with flying operations at Archerfield airport - the usually quite pilots are now getting serious about OZ's flying safety standards

Kiwi Built Fletcher and Pilot Lost in Far North Queensland

August 18  2007
An aircraft reported missing in Far North Queensland after it failed to arrive at it's destination two days ago has been located on a ridge line in the Cardwell State Forest

The turbine-powered single-engine Fletcher with only the pilot on board had departed Ingham in poor weather conditions for the short flight to Tully "up around the corner"

Australian Maritime Safety Authority reports that .."Due to inclement weather and heavy cloud cover it is anticipated that the pilot would have either tracked between Halifax on the eastern side of Hinchinbrook Island or via the Cardwell Channel following the road to reach Tully"

The 34-year-old pilot did not survive

Media - Brisbane Times

$15,000 Supercat Ultralight Down in Blue Mountains Area - Pilot Injured

August 16  2007
The pilot of a single-seat two-stroke powered Supercat ultralight was seriously injured when his machine crashed last Monday after experiencing an engine problem shortly after take-off from Katoomba'a airport in the Blue Mountains

The airfield's chief flying instructor reported "...he tried to turn back around to the airfield and the plane stalled ...he went into the ground vertically"

The French Canadian father of 8 offspring and former commercial pilot managed to extradite himself from the wreckage but was seriously injured and was taken to the Nepean Hospital - injuries included a broken arm and leg

News Desk Comment
Returning back to the take-off airstrip is a "no-no" if less than 500' above ground (should crash-land straight ahead)

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