It's been 3 weeks and still no sign of Steve or his aircraft from search officials Found this Target object about 2 weeks ago - no reply to email sent back then TARGET is about 5 metres in length - has angle - not in previous Google imagery At Ranch where Steve was staying - close to airstrip and object is in a creek and maybe partly if not completely submerged (just) Target is on "GeoEye_Ikonos_1m_image" and in the poorer quality "DG_image" overlays only that means it's recent times image taken AFTER Steve was reported missing All commentators say it's a bridge BUT I DON'T - reasons given below FOR AIRCRAFT WING 1) section of the western end of target object is clearly visible under water 2) both ends of the object do not reach the bank of the river on the east or west side 3) western end of object about 3m (10 feet) short of the bank 4) tracks leading to area do not line up with the object precisely 5) object is not at 90 degrees to shoreline - expected if it was a bridge 6) bridges are normally built at the narrowest point which is a few 100m south 7) emergency locator transmitter did not work as it was under water 8) returning to land after flying around for 3-4 hours - unfamilar with aircraft type and ran out of fuel when about to land! AGAINST AIRCRAFT WING - Updated 8:45 PM 30/09/2007 (2>>) 1) wind direction in the later overlays indicate it was from the north west - target object position is not in expected location with this wind direction - assuming Steve was returning to land towards the north 2) no evidence of fuselege or tail-plane structure in the near vicinity 3) fabric covered aircraft - wing should show some damage - appears intact Don Martinez eyespy 9:38 AM 29/09/2007