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 JULY 2007 

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Headset Saves Passenger in Turbo-Prop Explosive Decompression @ 20,000ft

July 7  2007
An interesting report during the past week involved a male nurse sitting alongside a window in a medical air ambulance aircraft almost loosing his live when the window gave way partially sucking him out - he was left struggling with only a left arm and his lower body inside the fuselage

The nurse was assisting in the transporting of a patient to a Seattle hospital in the USA aboard a twin-engine Piper turbo prop cruising at 20,000ft when the disaster struck

The pilot made an emergency descent to enable the nurse to get back inside the cabin - "It (the headset) took the major brunt of the blow going through the window - I think that's what saved me from having severe injuries"

News Desk Comment
It must be about the only time it would pay to be BIG - as in body size - the 100kg frame of the male nurse got "stuck" in the small window opening no doubt saving his life

Media - Komo TV

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