Mid-Air Collision South-West of Sydney Claims 2 Lives - 2 Escape

Media reports have "Two planes collided - one has landed safely and the other is believed to have crashed into a house in Liverpool"
Rescue crews indicate there were people inside the house at the time but they were safely evacuated
· UPDATE 5:35 PM 18/12/2008 ·
· UPDATE 6:32 AM 20/12/2008 ·
The accident occurred at the GAAP procedures mandatory inbound reporting point for a Bankstown landing where both aircraft were based -
designed 30 years ago and only applicable in OZ these procedures required VFR aircraft to overfly a reference point at a specific height - normally 1500'
The dangerous mix of a high-wing and low-wing aircraft flying unnoticed in close proximity has a high probability factor and it is apparent to the News Desk that this is what had happened -
highlighted many years ago by numerous aviators it was not a matter of IF this situation would ever occur but WHEN
Media - The Age