2009 - Aircraft Manufacturers in OZ - Survival of the Fittest

It's now 2009 and a difficult time for light aircraft manufactures worldwide and especially here in OZ due to the bleak economic forecasts predicted for the next 12 months
The News Desk has compiled a list of local OZ manufactures and their anticipated survival - this list excludes home-built type kits - ultralights and microlights
List of Australian Designed Light Aircraft and Engine Manufactures Currently in Production
1) Gippsland Aeronautics - Airvan & Fatman
2) Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd - includes Engine
3) Dean-Wilson Aviation Pty Ltd - Whitney Boomerang
4) Seabird Aviation Australia Pty Ltd - Seeker
5) Foxcon Aviation & Research Pty Ltd - Terrier
6) Supermarine Aircraft Pty Ltd
7) Rotec Engineering Pty Ltd