Minister for Finance and Administration The Hon. John Fahey MP Minister for Transport and Regional Development The Hon. Mark Vaile MP - JOINT MEDIA RELEASE New operator for Archerfield Airport We are pleased to announce the sale of a long-term lease for the operation of Archerfield Airport in Queensland to the Archerfield Airport Corporation for $3.lmillion Archerfield Airport Corporation is owned by Miengrove Ply Ltd, a Company associated with the interests of local businessman Mr Gavin Bird. Archerfield Airport Corporation is expected to assume full operational control of the airport before 30 June 1998. Archerfield Airport Corporation has consulted extensively with local authorities throughout the bid process and will utilise the experience of current airport staff while continuing to develop the commercial opportunities around the airport. As part of the sales process the Commonwealth has sought to ensure that the historic cemetery situated on the airport site will be maintained in the interests of the local community. The Government set a number of sales and ongoing objectives to be met by winning bidder. Apart from net proceeds on a risk-adjusted basis to the Commonwealth, financial strength and management capabilities to operate and develop airports, extent of local participation, airport development plans and commitment to the effective development of airport services, environmental credentials and equitable treatment of FAC employees have been assessed across all the bids. Overall the sale of leases for 14 airports in this second phase of Commonwealth Government airport divestment has realised proceeds of $730 million. This representative price earings multiple for these airports of 17.6, only fractionally below the comparable 18.3 multiple achieved in the sale of leases for the larger Phase I airports of Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. The excellent sales results achieved for the 14 airports reflects the highly competitive sale process. The key outcomes achieved in the Phase 2 sales include the following: * Real price reductions in aeronautical charges core regulated airports averaging 3.2% pa over the next 5 years. * Diversity of ownership with 9 different consortia winning ownership of the 14 Phase 2 airports, meeting the Commonwealth objectives for a strong and competitive industry * Elimination of ongoing risk to the Commonwealth in respect of ownership of the 14 Phase 2 airports. * Strong management capability and commitment backed by financial strength for the purchasers of the Phase 2 airports. * Strong level of local participation particularly for the non-capital city airports both in respect of equity participation by local business and councils and consultative mechanisms with the local community. * Strong development and maintenance commitments and plans with various development commitments proposed totalling $163 million for the 14 airports. The purchasers of leases for 10 phase 2 airports were announced in March at the same time as it was indicated there would be a limited rebid for the balance of the airports. The selection of the purchasers for leases of the 14 airport following the shortlisting of bidders in November last year following a call for expressions of interest. All airport are to be leased for a 50 year period with an option for a further 49 years. A condition of each lease is they continue to function as airports. Canberra 8 April 1998