Transport and Regional Development AVIATION POLICY SUBJECT: AIRPORT SALES MEDIA RELEASE Date: 6 November1997 Minister for Finance and Administration The Hon John Fahey, MP Minister for Transport and Regional Development The Hon Mark Vatle, MP JOINT MEDIA RELEASE 66/97 Phase 2 Airport sale at bidding stage 26 separate bidders have been shortlisted and will proceed to the bidding stage for the 15 airports, being sold by the Federal Government. It is expected there will be strong competition for the 15 airports amongst the shortlisted bidders. The shortlisted parties will be asked to submit full bids by 19 February next year. The airports are expected to be sold no later than 30 June 1998. The shortlisting decision follows a review undertaken by the Government's Office of Asset Sales and its advisers, BZW of over eighty Expressions of Interest lodged by more than 30 consortia on 27 October. Parties who have not been selected will be given the opportunity to be included on a list that will be provided to successful parties for consideration as additional participants. Ten regular passenger transport airports at Adelaide, Alice Springs, Canberra, Coolangatta, Darwin, Hobart, Launceston, Mount Isa, Tennant Creek and Townsville are on offer. A further five general aviation airports Archerfield (QLD), Parafield (SA), Jandakot (WA) Essendon and Moorrabbin (Vic) - are also being sold. The Commonwealth will be offering all 15 Phase 2 airports on a leasehold basis under the Airports Act 1996, but is reserving the right to offer some of the smaller airports on a freehold basis should the States put in place the necessary regulations to enable the airports to continue to operate unaffected and the new lessees agree that regulatory responsibility be transferred to the relevant State. All the airports are currently owned and operated by the Federal Airports Corporation. They are being sold on the basis that they will continue to function as airports. Shortlisted parties will be invited to undertake due diligence and to prepare legally binding bids for assessment against the full range of the Government's sales and ongoing objectives This will ensure the Government achieves a fair and reasonable price, as well as bids which take into account factors such as diversity of ownership, extent of local participation, financial strength, management capability, environmental issues and consideration of all stakeholders. The airports have attracted significant interest from local and international investors, indicating that the airports are considered quality investments by the private sector. The airport sale is in line with the Federal Government initiatives to create a more competitive business environment: generating greater efficiency, better service, lower prices and improved customer focus. Airport users are expected to benefit from an average reduction in airport charges - in some cases more than 20 per cent over the next five years. This, the second phase of the privatisation of Australia's major airports, follows the successful sale of Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth airports to three different owner-operators earlier this year, netting a return of $3.3 billion. The sale process is being managed on behalf of the Office of Asset Sales by BZW. Canberra 6 November 1997 For further information John Fahey's Office David McLachlan 02 6277 7400